Commenting Service Headline Animator

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Consider Using a Blog Commenting Service

Blog commenting services is a terrific way of building backlinks to your blog or website as everyone knows. It’s been identified as the core to internet marketing strategies. Google and other search engines utilize backlinks as a way to rank your site or blog.

Blog commenting services have been recognized on the web as a service that will create comments on your behalf, written by other bloggers with an opportunity to add a link back to your website or blog. The comments that are left are typically on higher ranked sites or blogs that have a do- follow link that allows traffic to flow from one website or blog back to your site or blog. Traffic is increased and so is your page rank.

Excellent blog commenting services can be offered by these affiliates providing commenting services. Comments left are insightful and relevant to the content that is being referenced. A group of highly qualified writers take the time to read articles and allow you to rest assured the comments and links are on sites and blogs related to your same niche. By leaving comments on related niches you know that the audience or readers are interested in the same type of format or information that your site or blog pertains to.

Consider using blog commenting services for blogs that you would like to jump start. If you have a blog that you simply cannot get enough of the write traffic or you have a high bounce rate, a blog commenting service may be for you.

This particular blog offers this service for a nominal fee and if you are interested, please leave your information in the comments section or contact me with my contact link displayed on this blog page. pic courtesy of

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Responsible Effective Blog Commenting

Placing comments on blogs can be effective in terms of directing folks to your own blog or website. As it is a privilege to be able to blog for business, it is prudent to be respectful and helpful to the blog and its readers. Also, it is important to find topics/posts where you really care about joining the conversation.

Here are a few guidelines to use when commenting on the blogs of others, especially those in your field:

a. If you are new to blog commenting (newbie), do not hold back from commenting, even if you think you do not know enough to comment intelligently. Go with your gut impressions or instincts if you think your spontaneous opinion is not an informed one.

b. Let the blog author know what you appreciated about their posting(s). Perhaps give reasons why you agree or disagree with something. You could let them know why you believe the topic is important in your blog comment.

c. If you are going to disagree, first check to see if someone else has already done so from your perspective. If you need to criticize, do so in a respectful manner. Do not comment in a caustic way or you will only invite a hostile retort on your own blog. You can disagree with an idea or opinion without attacking the person who holds it.

d. Let the blog owner know a topic for which you would like to see more posts.

e. Contribute something that would benefit readers. Perhaps you can help others benefit from your experiences. Perhaps you can inspire readers in some way. Do not be afraid to reveal something about yourself that lets readers know more about who you are. It is not just about blogging for business. Blogging is supposed to be like enjoyable conversation.

f. Create a profile on your own blog(s). When you set up a profile, you bring a human quality to your blog. When you post anonymously or without a name, you lose so much potential to have folks participate in your blog’s conversation.

pic is courtesy of

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Disaster Strikes When You Expect It!

Contribution by Odis Chan

I just spent three hours watching the movie "2012" and I think that it is my new favorite movie. I watch my new favorite movie on demand on satellite TV from The reason I love this movie so much is because I think that Danny Glover did a good job playing the role of Barack Obama. It was convincing to see a black president in a suit. Presidents like to wear suits and act like they are important. Danny Glover had a lot of self importance, the most I have seen since "Gone Fishin'" with Joe Pesci. It's too bad they couldn't include Joe Pesci in this movie. Joe is so funny. Especially in Lethal Weapons (which stars the anti Semitic Mel Gibson). I also liked 2012 because they included the Dalai Lama. Buddhism is such an important religion. 

When the Dalai Lama rang the giant bell, I cried. He was so brave to stay behind and die in the tsunami waters. He really did something for his people there. The scene I didn't like was when John Cusack looks at a rotted, dead moose. I found this offensive because the movie makers obviously killed a moose and gutted it to be as realistic as possible. Speaking of super realistic, the special effects really helped the movie have a good storyline. Explosions equal movie making genius.

Finding Satisfaction in My Favorite Talk Show

Written by my friend Teodoro Martin

Every housewife needs to find respite from her day-to-day duties and I find mine in watching my favorite talk show. While many people may balk at the Maury Povich show, I take great delight in it. It is true that some of the stories he features are tragic in nature. However, I believe that he provides great entertainment for his audiences and also tries to teach his guests valuable life lessons.

My favorite topics on his show include the DNA testing to find a baby's father and mothers dealing with unruly daughters. Perhaps I favor these shows because I myself am a mother. I especially sympathize with the mothers of teenage daughters who want to run away with older men or who want to become pregnant before they are married. As the mother of a teenage girl myself, I admit I would not know how to approach this kind of disobedience. I also cannot imagine the kind of heartbreak parents face in not knowing who fathered their children. I personally believe that children are a gift and to see these children treated like commodities or afterthoughts on this show really strikes a nerve in me.

But once I get my dishes done and another load of laundry started, I turn on my satellite TV( and watch Maury Povich. He is a very entertaining talk show host and provides a nice, albeit brief, getaway from my daily chores.

My mini water park vacation

Guest post written by Olivia White

My work schedule is pretty demanding and my boyfriend always says that he thinks any houses won't get sold without my help. I know he's kidding and that I shouldn't devote so much of my time to work but I really love it and hate to be away. So I've found that taking small vacations, or daycations, works a whole lot better for me.

We actually went last weekend to a local water park and I had so much fun! I got the idea when I was looking for a new internet service and ended up signing up I had to think really hard about the last time I had been to a water park, which let me know that it had been way too long!

So my boyfriend and I took a non-relaxing water park trip ! It was actually pretty exhausting and I got sunburned but it was all worth the fun that I had there! Swimming around in the wave pool and going down all kinds of daring slides sure does wear you out!