Commenting Service Headline Animator

Monday, June 20, 2011

Identifying Spam Comments

Blog and website owners are responsible for moderating comments. The comments are left by attentive and interested readers and the content can be useful feedback for the content of any site. However, from time to time comments are from spam bots, instead of readers. Spam detection is useful information for each owner of the blog I moderate comments.

There may be times when spam is difficult to identify. This article describes several ways you can identify spam in your blog comments. Not all spam comments come with links. Some spam bots are designed to add comments to sites and blogs are just phishing.

Comment spam can be blocked for you with software you can easily find on the internet. However, spam can make it past software installed for blocking it. Spam comments can hurt the reading enjoyment for your audience and their involvement with you blog. Some comments that are spam can have language that is rude, offensive and inappropriate for your readers.

Identifying spam is easier than you think. There are some comments that appear to be formatted in another language that you cannot identify. If you see these types of comments they are more spam. Comments full of unrecognizable characters or jargon that don’t fit into recognizable sentences or their structure are spam. Nonsense or gibberish are others ways that spam find their way to your blog.

English language blogs have comment left in English. If you are writing a blog in Vietnamese, comments are left in Vietnamese. Therefore, if you think the comments are in a foreign language more than likely they are spam. Remove it immediately.

Comments filled with advertising information. For example, if you have advertising or links in a comment to things such as ProActiv or other affiliate marketing information remove these spam comments from your blog or website.
Other spam comes in the form of vague or information that is not relative to your blog or site content but filled with links are a different kind of spam. Delete this information and get it off of your site or blog. If you receive a comment and you cannot tell whether or not its spam, follow the link or URL provided in the body of information and define if it does or doesn’t add value for your readers. If it doesn’t, delete it as spam.
Every blogger or site owner loves to receive and read comments left by their audience related to quality content they have written. Commenting is a great resource for constructive feedback and can get a dialogue or conversation going with your readers. However, because of this spammers have taken the opportunity to abuse the privilege of commenting to pollute your blog or site.

Don’t allow your blog to have spam comments. Use your software and these tips to identify spam that gets past the spam blocking software and delete it as soon as possible. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

WordPress Plugins that Will Make Comments on Your Blog Increase

Comments are what bloggers live for. Comments show that your audience and readers are interested in your content, that your content is quality and a wonderful way to interact with your readers. Encouraging readers to join in the conversation with your blog is what most blog owners strive for. Conversations create a solid community for any blog.

Wordpress is a terrific hosting service for bloggers that has several terrific plugins to inspire your readers to leave comments. Remember that as the conversation on your blog grows so will your audience and traffic to your blog.

Comment luv
Commentluv Wordpress plugin shows readers they are valuable and you appreciate the comments left for your posts. Commentluv automatically has a snippet and link back to the commenter’s most recent blog post. Bloggers appreciate and can’t get enough of this particular plugin because it increases traffic to the commenter’s blog each time they leave a comment using Commentluv.

Subscribe to commenters blogs
The subscribe to commenters blog plugin is one of the top choices for bloggers looking to build comments on their blog. This plugin lets readers subscribe and know when new comments are left on content they show an interest in via email. It brings readers back again and again.

Do follow plugin
Do follow removes all no follow links from comments. This rewards commenters for leaving comments. All commenters that are looking for do follow blogs will find your blog attractive.

Show top commenters plug in
This plug in is great for competitive commenters. This plus in will identify and compensate commenters that are the most vocal in your audience.  A list of the top commenters is reflected on your blog either daily, weekly or monthly. A Google friendly link back to the commenter’s blog is also displayed.

Note-some users identified spam increased with this plugin. The plugin doesn’t have a spam blocking capabilities

Most comments per post
The plugin for the most comments per post is automated to show a listing of your blog posts that have the most comments. Most readers will show an interest in the post that others are talking about. They will want to read their feedback as well as your content.

These WordPress plugins will do wonders for your comments which in turn will make your blog better and increase your traffic. Everyone wants to know what others are talking about. With these plugins they will be talking about your blog.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Using Classified Ads for Traffic Sources to Your Blog

Making your blog one of the most visited on the web is the goal of anyone that wants to make money on the web today strives for. There are methods you can utilize to get you there.

Read more:

this is a wonderful video on how to use classified advertising to get your website seen

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Comments are Terrific for Writer’s Block

All writers get a case of writer’s block from time to time. This includes those writers that blog. When you need a little inspiration there are several places to find it right under your nose. One of those places to discover content is in your comments left by readers.

Imagine all of those wonderfully perceptive comments left about content that you have written chocked full of subject matter for you to blog about. Do you really pay close attention to the comments left on your blog? Listen to what your readers are saying and discover great substance for your blog. Capitalize on the wealth of inspiration left for you by your community.

There are several ways to absorb subject matter from your comments;

·         Take a portion of a reaction one of your readers had about a blog post left and expand upon it. Begin the post by including a reference to your original blog information. Include a hyperlink in case you have readers that want to read the original post. Include and highlight the readers comment information and complete the entire blog post by including your personal thoughts on the matter.

·         If you receive a comment from someone that is significant in your niche or industry, write an interview blog post. You can ask questions about their blog, your niche or industry or highlight their blog and content information in your post. You can add an extra post by requesting a guest blog from the commenter.

·         Sometimes there are ideas for blog post that can jump into your head from a great comment left by a member of your readership. Suddenly you can clearly see a thought forming into a post by something they have mentioned, seen, compared or simply stated from a different point of view. Take these and run with them.

These are a few simple ways that comments are a terrific resource for those times when writer’s block affects a blogger. Use those comments. These are thoughts and ideas that your readers are interested in more than you know.

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dealing with Spam Comments-WordPress Plugin Aksimet

Adding a comment section to your blog is great for getting more traffic to your blogging community. Allowing readers of your content to leave perceptive and discerning information through comments is one characteristic of a great blog owner. Blogging is about putting the information out there and getting a response or reaction from the community about your content.

There are many times that bloggers are bothered by the amount of spam received through their blogging comments. If you are working with WordPress for your blogging venture you can add a very helpful plugin called Askimet that will check your comments awaiting moderation for spamming.

The plugin works great for WordPress blogs by recording a comment status history allowing you to see with ease which comments were caught and/or cleared by Askimet for spam screening. Links are highlighted in the body of each comment that Aksimet flags as spam revealing any hidden or misleading links for easy identification.

A terrific feature of the Aksimet is if you have any interruption on the server you are using, the plugin catches the interruption of the web host service and will retry continually until the information is available for scanning.  Above all this blogging comment feature will help you become more productive as your blog community grows right along with the number of comments received.

The ability for a blog owner and their community to communicate through comments is important and vital to the workings of a blog. Having to spend valuable time moderating and deleting spam instead of working on content or replying to astute and interesting comments left by your audience is wonderful.

Spam comments are annoying to say the least and anything that helps you to blog better is always welcome. WordPress plugins developed like Aksimet are welcome and hopefully will continue to help you add value to your blogging efforts each day you pick up your computer to add more wonderful content for the world to comment about.
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Monday, June 6, 2011

Leaving Great Blog or Article Comments

Leaving a great comment on a blog post doesn’t have to be a difficult task. There are some bloggers that even find this particular task trying. Leaving an insightful as well as thought out comment on a blog is easy to accomplish with a few short sentences. There are several steps to take as a commenter to leave good comments.

Many times by leaving comments on other blog posts or website content you can compel others to read your blog or direct new traffic your way. Above all you can increase your reputation as an insightful reader and respected member of a blogging community. The majority of comments can be left with links to content that you own or your blogs or website which can help traffic find the owner of this great comment.

Don’t leave “drive by” comments such as “great read”, “terrific article” or “ditto”. These are called drive by comments by the community because for many these are comments that are empty and can be left on any content because they don’t really convey any tangible information or feedback. Follow these steps to leave good comments.

Read the content that you are leaving comments for. Reading many posts only takes a few minutes and if you want to leave a comment the post or information must be worthwhile enough to read and comprehend the information at hand. In addition, if you are quoting information in your comment about the post or article make certain you get it right. Read the information and absorb what the writer is conveying.

Make your comment add something for the writer and other readers. Even if you are commenting on a post from someone who may be more intelligent than you are about the subject matter, you may have something to add from a different viewpoint or angle.

If you are leaving any factual information in your comments, check the facts and make certain you have it right. Believe it or not there may be another commenter that does check your facts and add a comment that makes you lose your credibility with the community. Opinions on a subject matter are important and having some factual information to support your viewpoint is wonderful to add in your comments if possible.

If you are making a point and can include an example, these are wonderful. Many comments are left with a certain train of thought in the mind of the comment writer and looking back on a comment several months or even days later you think that an example would have worked better to get your point across because of the short amount of space available. Add examples if you have them.

Comments should be made without anger. If you comment on subject matter that has upset you, step away from the post for a moment before commenting. You want to get your outlook out there, but you want it to be done with etiquette and poise and in anger we sometimes lose that.

A great comment doesn’t have to be a paragraph long and should be something that you are proud of leaving and tying your name to. Keep in mind when you leave a comment if this is something that you wouldn’t mind seeing on your own blog or content. If it isn’t, don’t leave the comment. There are lots of ways to say the same thing and if you don’t have something nice to say about a subject, don’t say anything at all.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Get More Traffic From Bloggers And Better Search Engine Traffic - Be Followed

Here’s a very simple traffic method for anyone who has their own web site, not just a person who has a blog.

1. Find the DoFollow Bloggers.

2. Participate in their communities. But alas, Simple is not the same thing as Easy. We shall come back to that point momentarily.

First, let’s talk about why you should support DoFollow communties. DoFollow blogs manually remove the �Nofollow� attribute that prevents your site from getting full link benefits from the search engines. So when you comment at a DoFollow site and leave your link, you could get a link back that not only sends traffic, but increases your number of external backlinks, which can help increase your search engine ranking, as well as your relevance on sites like Technorati.

Now, here we are, back at the �simple is not easy� thing. Look at number two again. Note how it doesn’t say �leave a drive-by comment whose only purpose is to have a link back to you that contains your keyword.� :) It says �Participate in their communities.� Why the distinction?

I'm a DoFollow blogger, so I can tell you. DoFollow bloggers aren’t looking for comments on the cheap. Do we want more comments? Sure. But if that’s all we wanted, we’d let the borderline spam flow. We’d then look like we were a popular blog without actually being one, which, let’s face it, could give us the bump we’d need to make the site popular. Not to mention that it’s a lot less work.

So why don't we do this? Because some of us changed our blogs back to DoFollow to make a point about how "Nofollow" doesn't prevent spam, and hurts our fellow bloggers. The commenting system is a reciprocal relationship in our eyes and many of us believe that fellow bloggers and webmasters especially should get something in return for taking the time to comment. And yet, spam posters try to make it look like they’re doing us some kind of favor by leaving their junk on our sites and cluttering up our experience for the rest of our community.

I know, it’s tempting to leave a generic comment to get more links, and it works on a minority of bloggers. To avoid having yourself lumped in with those people, really think about a brief comment, make it relevant to the discussion and see if you can’t form a relationship with that blogger. Because it’s not actually the comment that is really the traffic jackpot. You may end up forming an alliance with a blogger whose blog you comment on frequently. That may mean that they feature you in a blog post, or that you have a future partnership that leads to an increase in revenue to your company. Either way the benefits will always be greater if you respect the etiquette of the blogosphere.

So don’t make this classic newbie mistake - realize that not only are the bloggers real people, so are the members of their community. Be one of the good guys and prepare to reap the rewards of it.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How To Get Your Website Visitors To Willing Supply You With Plenty Of Fresh Content

If you are like most people, you probably have more commitments than time. You make cuts to help compensate, typically setting aside the more time consuming tasks like writing fresh content for your business. Some people find it easier to hire a writer than try to schedule time to write but what if we told you, you could also get content for free?

Here are two easy ways to get your visitors to willing give you content at no cost.

1) Encourage Commenting on Your Blog

The first thing you need to realize is that it takes time so if you don't have tons of comments right off the bat, don't be discouraged...just keep at it. A blog that is up-to-date with fresh content will encourage more and more commenting.

Just like with any other marketing you do for your business, you need to first build a relationship with your blog readers. Blog readers need to feel like they know" you and the more you post and the more real you come across to your readers the easier it will be for them to approach you and build that relationship.

Make your blog convenient for your readers by setting up an RSS feed and email notifications of new posts. You're busy and so are your readers, so don't waste their time by making them check everyday to see if you've posted something new.

Give your readers something to talk about and respond to by asking questions and voicing your opinions on hot topics. When given the invitation to communicate with you more will do so.

2) Encourage People to Post Product Reviews

One of the reasons does so well is because it allows its visitor to contribute their own opinions. People love to give their opinions and people also love to hear other people's opinions about products.

You can do the same thing. Post simple product reviews for products that your target market is interested in and allow your visitors to add their own comments, full reviews and ratings. As more people leave reviews, the more likely your site will be the go-to place for product reviews in your particular subject area.

Tell your blog visitors, subscribers and visitors about the product review system. You can even offer a points and ratings system where reviews can earn rewards for the quality and frequency of their reviews.

Getting your visitors to willing give you content won't just happen over night, you still have to work with and supply some initial content and points of discussion, but once it gets going participation starts to multiply. for pic